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Rose Beauty Porthleven

Welcome to Rose Beauty Porthleven, I am home based with a cabin in my garden offering a range of treatments and the Medi+ homecare . I have over 8 years experience in the beauty industry and continue to further my knowledge with upcoming courses.

Please note I don’t have the facilities to offer a waiting room. When you come to your appointment please walk down the side entrance and into my back gate, as sometimes I can’t hear doorbell.

Please note, I live in a residential area and in the summer months with visitors the main road through porthleven can be busy, please add an extra 10 minutes onto your journey. My entrance is down the alley through my back gate.

Stretch Marks Skincare Bootcamp

  1. Stretch Marks Skincare Bootcamp

Gift Pass: Stretch Marks Skincare Bootcamp

11 week powerhouse programme

Targets- Stretch Marks also known as Straie or Straie distensae, are a form of scarring on the skin with an off colour hue. Over time they may diminish, but will not disappear completely. Stretchmarks are caused by tearing up the dermis During periods of rapid growing of the body, such as during puberty or pregnancy.

Solution- A super intense 11 week program designed to help rebuild collagen and reduce the appearance of stretchmarks.

Week 1- Million Dollar Body
Week 3- Radiate Peel
Week 5- Million Dollar Body
Week 7- Radiate Peel
Week 9- Million Dollar Body
Week 11- Radiate Peel

Includes Medi+ Homecare
Nourishing Balm
I hope you enjoy this Stretch Marks Skincare Bootcamp!

Stretch Marks Skincare Bootcamp

Rose Beauty Porthleven